Foto: Alexander Popov/unsplash 19.09.2020 | First steps How to get your driving license recognized in Germany
Foto: VIS-A-VIS, Studio für Gebärdensprache 17.06.2020 | First steps Interview: Integration courses for deaf migrants in Mannheim
Foto: BGBl. 2013 I S. 3491 (gemeinfrei) 25.03.2020 | First steps Extension of residence permits in Ludwigshafen
@Foto: Pixabay / Pexels 08.10.2019 | First steps Integration courses for asylum applicants & refugees with a tolerated stay permit
Foto: iStock ID 518282724 © 02.10.2019 | First steps The German asylum procedure
Foto: iStock-694570716 © 01.10.2019 | First steps First steps for immigrants