Corona test obligation for holidaymakers
Many go on holiday during the summer holidays or use the time to visit families. But since traveling is allowed again the corona infection rate has been rising. The latest figures show that with more than 1000 new infections the day before the pandemic is still around. Therefore, since August 8th, testing is mandatory for holidaymakers. However, up to now this only applies to returnees from corona risk areas.
A country is considered a risk area if:
- There are more than 50 new Covid-19 infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days.
- A country does not have sufficient testing capacity or the measures to contain the corona virus are insufficient (e.g. hygiene products).
- No reliable information is available for a country.
To whom does the testing obligation apply?
Every person who has been in a foreign risk area in the last 14 days before entering Germany must have a corona test performed - this also applies to children.
Persons who have only travelled through a risk area and have not stopped there are not affected by the obligation to test.
How does the compulsory test work?
There are test centres at airports, railway stations, motorways or near border stations. The corona test is carried out there. The corona test is free of charge.
Travellers can also have themselves tested before entering the country. Tests from other countries must be carried out within 48 hours before entry. Furthermore, the tests are only recognised if the medical certificate is written in German or English. If a negative test result cannot be presented on entry a further test must be carried out at the airport, railway station or motorway.
After entry from a risk area the 14-day quarantine obligation applies. Only if a negative test result is presented the quarantine can be shortened.
What must be taken into account?
In addition, after returning from a risk area, the obligation to report to the responsible health authority applies. Anyone travelling by car must be prepared for random checks.
Anyone travelling by plane, ship, train or bus will receive so-called "exit tickets" before direct entry. These are issued by the carrier. Passengers must fill out the cards and hand them to the carrier. These cards are then sent to the health authority of the passenger's place of residence or destination in Germany - this way the obligation to test can be checked.
What happens if passengers do not take the test?
If the free Corona test is refused, a fine of up to €25,000 must be expected. Furthermore fines can be imposed on people who cannot present a negative test and who violate domestic quarantine rules. Fines must also be expected for violations of the obligation to report and provide evidence.
Which countries belong to the risk areas?
Meanwhile more than 120 countries are classified as risk areas. Recently Madrid and the Basque Country in Spain have also been included. Other risk areas include Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. The USA and parts of Africa are also classified as risk areas.
Here you can find a list of all risk areas.
You can use this map to get an overview of all risk areas.