Staying fit at home - Full-Body-Workout
Everywhere operations have been suspended. Whether in Heidelberg, Mannheim or Ludwigshafen. The same applies to fitness studios. The reason for this is the Coruna virus. If you still want to do something for your health and fitness, we have created a full-body workout plan.
1. Before you start with the exercises, do not forget the warm-up. For this, you can march on the spot. Take your knees with you. You can swing your arms along. To increase the intensity, you can circle your arms. Afterwards you can do jumping jacks to activate your whole body. When your body is warm, you are ready for the strength exercises!
2. Let's start with the arms. For this we do push-ups. You can start with the classic push-ups. The legs are stretched out and the arms are bent at a 90 degree angle. Then you push yourself up and down with your arms. If you want to start more easily, you can also do the push ups on your knees. The tips of your feet point upwards.
We increase the difficulty by jumping up with arms stretched out during the classic push-ups. So first do a push-up, get up, stretch your arms upwards and jump. And repeat this several times. Super stimulating but effective!
3. Continue with the legs. For the first leg exercise you only need a wall. You stand with your back against the wall and angle your legs 90 degrees. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeating is possible.
Then you will do a lunge. This means that you step forward with one leg a bit more. The other leg remains slightly stretched out at the back. You can support your arms on your hips. And then you start to push up with your legs. Up and down. After a few repetitions the legs are changed.
4. Now we come to the stomach. For the abdominal exercises we start with simple sit-ups. For this you lie on your back. Bend your legs slightly. You can either cross your arms in front of your chest or place them behind your head for more forward swing. Then all the fun begins! You have to tense your abdominal muscles and use them to push yourself upwards. Imagine your favourite food is in front of your feet and you push your upper body and arms upwards with all your strength.
For the next abdominal exercise, we move into the plank position. For this you support yourself on the floor with the tips of your feet and your forearms. It is best to lay a mat underneath. Your forearms are parallel and shoulder-wide. Your feet should be parallel. To maintain this position, you must tense your abdominal muscles.
5. The older you get, the more you complain about your back. In order to avoid this, a few exercises will now be performed on your back. First you lie on your stomach. But your upper body "floats" in the air. With your arms you do the "Superman". You pull your arms bent back.
The second back exercise looks a bit like a starfish. For this you can lie on your stomach. You stretch your arms and your legs. Then you push your arms and legs up so that these body parts "float". Only your chest and stomach touch the ground. You hold this position for a few seconds.
We hope you have fun with this full-body workout and really start sweating. If you would like to see more exercises or need visual help for the above mentioned exercises, then have a look at these links: