Ludwigshafen: German courses for persons without BAMF authorization
At VHS Ludwigshafen people without BAMF authorization can also take German language classes.
If you want to take a class, you first have to go to the language counseling in Ludwigstraße 73.
There you will get all the important information.
The language counseling team will also help you find the right course.
The language consulting service is closed at the moment.
It will open again on August 30, 2021.
You can visit the language counseling again starting August 30, 2021.
You do not need an appointment.
Please follow the corona rules.
The language consulting team can speak different languages and will help also if you know little or no German.
These are the current courses. They start in autumn:
Landeskurse (ADD): Sprachziel Deutsch
- Residence in Rhineland-Palatinate
- Exam compulsory at the end of the courses (only in courses from B1 level)
- No tickets for public transport
- Costs: free of charge
- Repetition of courses only possible in advanced courses (in courses from A2 level)
ADD: Start-Kurs Deutsch A1
The goal of this course is the A1 level of German. All immigrants who are not eligible for BAMF German courses may register for the course. After the course, participants take the telc A1 Start Deutsch exam free of charge. No travel expenses are reimbursed. Textbooks are provided free of charge.
The course will only start if approval has been granted by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.
- Tuesdays, starting 21.09.2021, 13.30 - 16.45 Uhr
- VHS, Room 103
- 40,00 €/200 UE/50x
- N.N.
- Min/Max-TN 8/10
- Course number: 212GI40407
ADD: Start-Kurs Deutsch A1
The goal of this course is the A1 level of German. All immigrants who are not eligible for BAMF German courses may register for the course. After the course, participants take the telc A1 Start Deutsch exam free of charge. No travel expenses are reimbursed. Textbooks are provided free of charge.
The course will only start if approval has been granted by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.
- Mondays, starting 08.11.2021, 13.30 - 16.45 Uhr
- Karlsruher Gässel (Ludwigstr. 73), Room 106 A
- 40,00 €/200 UE/50x
- N.N.
- Min/Max-TN 8/10
- Course number: 212GI40408
ADD: Sprint-Kurs Deutsch A2
The goal of this course is the A2 level of German. All immigrants who are not eligible for BAMF German courses may register for the course. After the course, participants take the telc A2 Start Deutsch exam free of charge. No travel expenses are reimbursed. Textbooks are provided free of charge.
The course starts only when the approval of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate has been received.
- Wednesdays, starting 22.09.2021, 13.30 - 16.45 Uhr
- VHS, Raum 105
- 60,00 €/300 UE/75x
- Teacher: Karl Park
- Min/Max-TN 8/12
- Course number: 212GI40409
ADD: Sprint-Kurs Deutsch B1
The goal of this course is the B1 level of German. All immigrants who are not eligible for BAMF German courses may register for the course. The course consists of online and face-to-face instruction. After the course, participants take the telc DTZ exam free of charge. No travel expenses are reimbursed. Textbooks are provided free of charge.
The course starts only when the approval of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate has been received.
- Wednesdays, starting 22.09.2021, 9.00 - 12.15 Uhr
- Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays: online classes; Wednesdays Room 102
- VHS, Raum 102
- 60,00 €/300 UE/75x
- Teacher: N.N. / Inna Lemeshko
- Min/Max-TN 8/14
- Course number: 212GI40415
ADD: Sprint-Kurs Deutsch B2
The goal of this course is the B2 level of German. All immigrants who are not eligible for BAMF German courses may register for the course. The course consists of online and face-to-face instruction. After the course, participants take the telc B2 German exam free of charge. No travel expenses are reimbursed. Textbooks are provided free of charge.
The course starts only when the approval of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate has been received.
- Fridays, starting 24.09.2021, 17.45 - 21.00 Uhr
- No classes during holidays
- Karlsruher Gässel (Ludwigstr. 73), Room104 A
- 80,00 €/400 UE/100x
- N.N.
- Min/Max-TN 8/15
- Course number: 212GI40416
Intensive German classes (open for everyone)
- Residence in Ludwigshafen/ Rhineland-Palatinate
- Examination at the end of the courses with regular and active participation as well as positive prognosis by lecturers (only in LD German courses, not in LernClubDeutsch)
- No tickets for public transportation
- Costs: free of charge
- Entry possible at any time
Online: IP: LD Deutschkurs B1
In LernDeutsch courses you learn German at your own pace. You can join the course at any time and make up missing lessons in the next equivalent course and/or virtually under the guidance of your instructors. Once you have completed the course, you can register for the telc DTZ German exam.
The course is characterized by intensive language learning and is suitable for learners with above-average motivation to learn and good previous knowledge of the German language.
- Mondays, starting 26.04.2021, 13.30 - 16.45 Uhr
- online
- Free of charge!/ 276 UE/69x
- Teacher: Sebastian Zimmermann
- Min/Max-TN 8/12
- Course number: 211GI40421
At VHS / IP: LernClubDeutsch B1 on Saturdays
LernClub Deutsch is open to anyone who wants to improve their German language skills at the advanced level according to the Common European Framework of Reference. The focus is on both oral and written communication.
- Every Saturday, starting 11.09.2021, 9.00 - 13.15 Uhr
- VHS, Room 06
- Free of charge!/ 75 UE/15x
- Teacher: Ivanka Steber / Martina Hipp
- Min/Max-TN 8/12
- Course number: 212GI40402
Online: IP: LD Deutschkurs B2
In LernDeutsch courses you learn German at your own pace. You can join the course at any time and make up missing lessons in the next equivalent course and/or virtually under the guidance of your instructors. Once you have completed the course, you can register for the telc B2 German exam.
The course is characterized by intensive language learning and is suitable for learners with above-average motivation to learn and good previous knowledge of the German language.
telc B2 German exam is scheduled to take place on 06.11.21.
- Tuesdays, starting 18.05.2021, 17.45 - 21.00 Uhr
- online
- Free of charge!/ 276 UE/69x
- Teacher: Karl Park
- Min/Max-TN 8/15
- Course number: 211GI40423
At VHS / IP: LernClubDeutsch B2 on Saturdays
LernClub Deutsch is open to anyone who wants to improve their German language skills at the advanced level according to the Common European Framework of Reference. The focus is on both oral and written communication.
- Every Saturday, starting 11.09.2021, 9.00 - 13.15 Uhr
- VHS, Room 103
- Free of charge!/ 75 UE/15x
- Teacher: Karl Park / N.N.
- Min/Max-TN 8/12
- Course number: 212GI40401