alvivi ist das Info-Portal für Flüchtlinge, Migranten und Helfer.

Visit to the doctor
Every patient is free to choose their doctor. A doctor is obliged to treat each patient.
Before you go to the doctor, you must make an appointment by telephone or in the doctor's office (some doctors also offer consultation hours without appointments). In urgent cases, you can also visit the doctor without an appointment. But then the waiting time will probably be a little longer.
At a doctor's appointment, you first present your electronic health card. Your data will be read in.
Usually you have to take a seat in the waiting room and wait until you are called by a doctor's assistant. You can leave your jacket, cap or umbrella at the cloak rack.
Family doctor
You voluntarily choose a general practitioner, your family doctor (Hausarzt) and, with the exception of emergencies, have him or her treat you if you are ill. If necessary, your family doctor will refer you to a specialist.
Medical on-call service
Are you seriously ill or in need of care and cannot go to the doctor? Or the doctor's office is closed and the treatment cannot wait until tomorrow? In such cases, your doctor can come to your home.
In an emergency, you can call an ambulance. The phone number is 112.
For the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, there are several doctor search engines: