alvivi Kindergeld
@Foto: Lorem Ipsum

Child benefits

Who is entitled to child benefits?

If you are living in Germany as a foreigner and hold a valid residence permit (You are no asylum applicant) you can apply for child benefits. You can claim child benefits from the moment you receive your residence permit from the immigration office. As a European citizen you don’t need a residence permit. You will be treated as a German citizen because of the right to freedom of movement. Child benefits are always received by the parents, not the children. You will always receive child benefits when your child is under 18. When your child is between 18 and 25 years old, it depends on their level of training.

Child benefits for foreigners

Child benefits for children of age

Application for child benefits

You do not receive child benefits automatically. You have to fill out an application and send it to the family benefits office. You can find the address here:

Family benefits office

You need your tax identification number in order to apply for child benefits. You received your tax identification number in the mail when you arrived in Germany. For newborn children you have to send in the birth certificate as well. Along with the application for child benefit you have to fill out a form called ‘Anlage Kind’ and send it to the family benefits office. The forms are available in many languages.




If your parents passed away or if you do not know your parents’ whereabouts, you can fill out an application for child benefits yourself. To do so, you have to fill out the form ‘Kindergeldantrag Vollwaisen’ (application for child benefits for Orphans) and send it to the family benefits office. You can find the corresponding address directly on the form.



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