World-Café housing situation
Which (digital) creative solutions are conceivable for housing procurement? What's missing? Who could tackle that?
At the World Café "Housing Situation", theme table discussed the challenges that citizens with and without an immigration history in Ludwigshafen currently face when looking for housing in Ludwigshafen and whwat apporaches to solving them could be implemented. There is agreement among the participants that the rent prices in the city are too high. A database providing specific information on tenants and landlords would be desirable. It would also be helpful to publish the reimbursable costs of accommodation according to SGB II. This publication takes place in the Social Commitee; it could be communicated to the relevant round table of colunteers through the Round Table on Asylum and Volunteering. A municipal coordination office in the field of housing is still missing. However, it could help to bundle responsibilities, prevent duplication of consultations and reduce the workload of volunteers.