Information about Corona in various languages
During the corona pandemic it is important to know which rules to follow to protect yourself and the people surrounding you?
We have collected some websites with reliable information for you.
The Integration Commissioner of the Federal Government of Germany regularly updates their website.
You can find information in German, English, Arabic, Turkish and many other languages about topics such as:
- Entering and leaving Germany
- Health and behavior tips
- Public life
- Work and money
Protection against violence
There is also a flyer available for download (German | English | Arabic | Farsi).
Ministries of the federal states
The ministries also offer information in several languages. Keep in mind that in some federal states special corona virus rules may apply.
Robert Koch Institute
The Robert Koch Institute is the central institution in Germany for disease prevention and disease surveillance. The institute is often abbreviated with the three letters "RKI". On the RKI website you will find basic information in easy German language and also a very good dictionary, where all important words around the virus are explained in a simply manner.
Ethno-Medical Center
Together with the German government, the Ethno-Medical Center has published a 6-page guide that you can download:
- German: Neuartiges Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 – Informationen und praktische Hinweise
- English: Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Information and practical advice
- Persian: ویروس کرونای جدید SARS-CoV-2 آگاهی ها و نکات کاربردی
- Turkish: Yeni tip Koronavirüs SARS-CoV-2 - Bilgiler ve pratik tavsiyeler
- French: Un coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 de type nouveau - Informations et conseils pratiques
Zusammen gegen Corona (Together against corona)
This site from the Federal Ministry of Health has many very good, short and up-to-date articles in easy German language, e.g.
- Wann und wie werden Tests gemacht?
- Warum ist eine Maske sinnvoll?
- Wie können Eltern ihren Kindern helfen?
- Was ist wichtig bei einer Quarantäne zuhause?