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German for advanced learners with B1 level
Even if you have completed the integration course, you may want to continue learning German. For many bureaucratic matters, a B1 level is not enough. The same applies if you want to do an apprenticeship, study or work. A German course for advanced learners or a specialist language course can be a good idea. According to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), most advanced courses start at B2 level and end at C2 level.
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) finances integration courses. If you reach level B1, the BAMF no longer has to pay for language courses. Only under certain conditions can you take further job-related German courses.
In addition, there are numerous advanced German courses offered by public and private institutions, e.g. adult education centres (Volkshochschulen), language schools such as the Goethe Institute Mannheim, or universities (e.g. Mannheim University). In addition, you can find many good teaching materials online, which are often even free of charge.
It is certainly good to read German books, listen to German music or watch the news in German. Learning German "non-formally" works also when meeting other people and talking to them.