Fachtag Migration und seelische Gesundheit 18.03.2020 Ludwigshafen
Foto: Fachtag Migration und seelische Gesundheit

Expert Day on Migration and Mental Health

People from 150 different nations live in Ludwigshafen. Many of them are already living here in the second or third generation. With regard to mental health it can be stated that different barriers have to be overcome for people with a mgiration background in order to gain access to the health care system. This is obvious in view of the ageing society and the resulting health problems, but also due to the massively aggravated living conditions caused by flight experiences.

The Migrations and Mental Health Expert Day focuses on people with a migration background and mental stress. It shows the specific connections between the topics of migration and the factors that lead to mental stress or diseases. Psychological and socio-structural factors can have a strengthening effect on the psyche of a person as so-called resilience factors. On the other hand depending on the psychosocial imprint of one's own culture and social environment, they can also be so-called stressors and thus risk factors for the development of mental stress. Among the mgirant groups, refugess in particular suffer above-average psychological complaints. The most common disorders in this context are post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

Lectures and practical examples will highlight different treatment options and access to psychiatric and psychosocial care structures. In addition, common perspectives are to be developed on how the psychosocial situation of people with a migration background can be improved and access to assistance services facilitated.

The symposium is a cooperation event between the Counselling and Coordination Centre Migration and Health/Nursing, the Hospital Zum guten Hirten Ludwigshafen, the State Chamber of Psychotherapists of Rhineland-Palatinate and the City of Ludwigshafen.

Conference venue: Volkshochschule Ludwigshafen, Im Bürgerhof, 67059 Ludwigshafen
Closing date for applications: Wednesday, 11. März 2020
A fee of 20€ is charged for the expert day.
The fee includes one day's food. Advanced training points for doctors and therapists have been applied for.

Registration at the Volkshochschule Ludwigshafen at https://vhs.link/hSvF9f or by phone at 0621 504-2238 or in person at thebVolkshochschule Ludwigshafen, Bürgerhof.
You can get information from Larissa Bogacheva, Advisory and coordination office migration, Tel. 0621/5 40 14 69, Mail: migration-beko@curabeierlein.de and by Juliane Krohn, VHS, Tel. 0621/504-2017

The detailed programme and further information can be found on the pages of the LandesPsychoTherapeutenKammer Rheinland-Pfalz.