Foto: alvivi 19.01.2021 | Die Wir-Gesellschaft Omar Saidykhan and his training as a motor vehicle mechatronics technician
Foto: Malteser 17.11.2020 | Learning German The online tandem is looking for interested participants!
Bild: Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe 09.09.2020 | Where we live Nationwide Alert Day on 10 September
Foto: WolfgangBantz / Pixabay 09.06.2020 | Finding help Foreigners' Registration Office Ludwigshafen reopens on June 15th
Foto: BGBl. 2013 I S. 3491 (gemeinfrei) 25.03.2020 | First steps Extension of residence permits in Ludwigshafen
Foto: WolfgangBantz / Pixabay 18.03.2020 | Finding help Corona virus: Social welfare office Ludwigshafen is closed
Foto: Hush Naidoo / Unsplash 18.02.2020 | School & Training Apply now: Qualification IAQ for refugees and asylum seekers
Foto: MAHALA INTERNATIONAL / Junger Pfalzbau 24.01.2020 | Leisure Wanted at Junger Pfalzbau: Young actors for stage play
Foto: Davis Sanchez / Pexels 21.01.2020 | School & Training Apply now: SABA – education stipend for migrants