Can refugees now work in agriculture?
Due to the prevailing conditions caused by the corona virus, no workers from European neighbouring countries can enter Germany. These are normally urgently needed for the harvest. Therefore, the demand for labour in agricultural enterprises has increased considerably. Helpers are also needed for agriculture in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. Refugees who are looking for work can participate in the harvest. In this way, the exchange between different cultural circles can also be promoted.
Who may work?
The status of the refugees decides whether the person is allowed to work in Germany or not. Recognised refugees with a residence permit have an unlimited work permit. There are no particularities to be considered. Companies can hire them without any problems.
It is more difficult for asylum seekers with residence permits whose asylum proceedings are still pending. This also applies to persons with toleration, who cannot be deported although their asylum application has been rejected. If one of these two cases applies to one of them, the fugitive cannot work for the first three months after his arrival. Only after the three months is it possible to work for an initial period of twelve months.
But: politicians are currently considering whether these rules could be relaxed. On the one hand, because a lot of workers are needed in agriculture and on the other hand, because many asylum seekers would like to work. There is no official decision here yet.
What applies to wages?
In principle, permanently employed refugees in agriculture receive the nationwide minimum wage of 9,19€. As seasonal workers they also receive the minimum wage of 9,19€.
Where can I find work?
Together with the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture has been created. There you can enter your postal code in the database and then farms in your area will be displayed that are looking for helpers. You can also check the internet directly at the asparagus farms in your area and call them and ask if they are looking for work.
For example, these farms are currently looking for workers:
- 67240 Bobenheim-Roxheim: Hofladen Haas ( is looking for help with planting, tending and harvesting the plants in the greenhouse and field work (irrigation, mechanical potato harvesting, weeding in spinach and herbs). Helpers work at least 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. The farm shop is looking for employees who can imagine working all summer. Contact us:
- 68526 Ladenburg: Hegehof ( is looking for help with the strawberry harvest from mid/end of April (depending on the weather). A working day has a minimum duration of 4 hours. Hegehof is an Aussiedlerhof and not connected to public transport. Application under:
- 68642 Bürstadt: Gemüsebau Reski ( seeks help for various field, harvest and processing work. The rhubarb harvest will start in the next few days (depending on the weather), the young plants also need care. The work is family based in small groups. A working day has a minimum duration of 4 hours and you should be able to work at least 1 month and at least 20 hours per week. The farm can be reached by public transport. Send your contact details and your possible working hours by e-mail to:
- 68766 Hockenheim: Gemüsehof Schmitt ( is looking for helpers for harvesting lettuce and kohlrabi. 6 days a week, 8 hours a day from 01.05.2020 to 15.10.2020. Contact:
- 69190 Walldorf: Spargel und Straußenhof Walldorf ( is looking for helpers for harvesting asparagus from April to June 2020. Please contact Lars Krüger.