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Application tips

If you want to be successful in finding a job, you need a good application. Employers must be able to recognize from the application which strengths, qualifications, and experiences you have.

Employers usually expect a written application with a cover letter, a CV (usually with photo and signature), certificates and proof of work in order to assess your qualifications.

Certificates and other important documents should be presented in German.

Online applications are also becoming increasingly common. Always find out exactly what form the employer wants the application to take.



Your application needs to contain:

  • A cover letter 
  • Curriculum vitae with photo and signature (in the form of a table or text)
  • Certificates, references, proofs of work (translated into German)

Further information on how to apply for jobs:

Application tips and checklists from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)

Videos about applying for a job in Germany on "Make it in Germany"

Goethe-Institut offers information on "German for applicants" / "Deutsch für Bewerber" (in German)


alvivi ist das Info-Portal für Flüchtlinge, Migranten und Helfer.

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