
Nursing management and nursing school of the St.Marien- and St. Annastiftskrankenhaus

Against the background of the increasing need for nursing care and the inclux of young regufees seeking a perspective in our society the St. Marien- und St. Annastiftskrankenhaus breaking new ground.

In a modular training programme, secondary school leavers, people with a migation background and asylum seekers are given the opportunity to gradually enter a nursing professing. Thus, one can develop furhter from the "qualification as a care assistant", (durationi nine months) to the qualification as a nrusing assitant (duration one year) to a certified nruse (duration three years) According to interest and inclination. Cooperatin partners are among others BASF, the Federal Employment Agency, the JobCenter, the Arbeitskreis für Aus. und Weiterbildung.

alvivi ist das Info-Portal für Flüchtlinge, Migranten und Helfer.

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